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10 Easy Steps to Making Perfect Penne Pasta

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Choose the right pasta

Not all penne pasta is created equal. Look for a brand that makes high-quality pasta with durum wheat semolina.

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Fill a large pot with salted water

The water should be at least 4 inches deep and well-salted. The salt will help the pasta to cook evenly and prevent it from sticking together.

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Cook the pasta according to package directions

The cooking time will vary depending on the brand of pasta you are using. Be sure to check the pasta frequently towards the end of the cooking time to avoid overcooking it.

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While the pasta is cooking, prepare your sauce

There are many different sauces that you can use with penne pasta. Some popular options include marinara sauce, pesto sauce, and Alfredo sauce.

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Bring the water to a boil

Once the water is boiling, add the penne pasta and stir gently to prevent it from sticking together

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Drain pasta when al dente

Be careful not to overdrain the pasta, as you want to retain some of the starchy water.

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Toss pasta in sauce

You can add some of the starchy water from the pasta to the sauce to help it bind

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Serve the pasta immediately.

You can garnish the pasta with grated Parmesan cheese, fresh herbs, or crumbled feta cheese.

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Garnishing with cheese and herbs

Garnishing your penne pasta with grated Parmesan cheese, fresh basil, and parsley adds a touch of elegance and flavor to the dish.

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Seasoning with salt and pepper

Penne pasta can be seasoned with salt and pepper to taste. You can also add other herbs and spices, such as garlic powder, onion powder, and Italian seasoning